Werde Pate bei Hoffnungsträger und hilf Kindern in Not

Hopeful godchild

In Colombia, Zambia and Cambodia there are thousands of extremely poor children with at least one parent in prison. This quickly turns them into outsiders and makes them 5 to 10 times more likely to end up in prison themselves. Simply because they are their parents' children. Many of them live in extreme poverty. They end up on the streets and are vulnerable to hunger, violence, sexual exploitation and human trafficking. There is no social system that supports them. But with Hope Bearer Godchild you support these children. With a plan. With open arms.


#TRAGMIT Every euro counts! Donate or take on a sponsorship alone or as a team

Vier gute Gründe ein Hoffnungsträger zu werden

About hopefuls:

Hope Carrier has been working for people in need since 2013. Out of Christian gratitude and charity, we give people hope and a perspective so that they themselves become bearers of hope and in this way the world changes for the better. Even though we love to talk about our projects, our motto is: Don't just talk, do it ! With our know-how in social work, our economic expertise and our desire to bring hope into the world, we make our projects effective and impactful. So that many people feel: hope changes .


Take on a sponsorship or donate to forgotten children in need.

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