Student discount

We at allmaxx have worked intensively on the topic of student discounts for many years. For a while, we even offered our own student discount card, enabling students across Germany to get through their studies a little cheaper.

More student discounts:

We are no longer able to stay up to date with the constantly new offers in this area. We are therefore collaborating with the provider , which offers the latest news on the topic.

The availability of student discounts may change over time, and it also depends on the type of products or services you are seeking discounts on. However, here are some general areas where student discounts are commonly offered in Germany:

Electronics and technology:

Companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Adobe often offer special educational pricing for students.

Software and online services:

Platforms such as Spotify, Amazon Prime Student and Microsoft Office 365 Education offer special tariffs for students.

Clothing and accessories:

Some clothing stores offer student discounts. This can vary by store, so it's best to ask directly.

Travel and transportation:

Deutsche Bahn, FlixBus and other transport companies often offer reduced prices for students.

Food and drinks:

Student discounts are available in some restaurants and cafes. However, this varies greatly and often depends on the location.

Books and educational materials:

Bookstores and online booksellers sometimes offer discounts on books and educational materials for students.


Some insurance companies offer special rates for students.

We also offer our own information offerings:

Student Legal Protection

Student health insurance

Student household contents insurance

Student liability insurance

Students - BU Insurance

It is also advisable to check with the providers directly or check their websites for the latest information, as offers are subject to change. Additionally, there may be local companies or smaller stores that also offer student discounts.

Die Welt jeden Tag ein kleines bisschen besser machen

in unserer manchmal verückten Welt kommt es auf jeden einzelnen positiven Impuls an. Mit unserer allmaxx Aktion versuchen wir Geld zu sammeln, für Menschen die nicht so viel Glück haben wie wir, die nicht einfach mal so zur Schule gehen oder studieren können.

Wir können bzw. konnten das. Und ja wir hatten als Studenten auch nicht viel Geld und auch nix zu verschenken. Daher die allmaxx-Idee:

Sucht Euch den besten Tarif, das beste Angebot und wir sammeln damit Provisionen, die wir dann spenden können.

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