beck-shop Partner werden Help your fellow students and earn money! Help your fellow students and earn money!

How nice would it be to earn money on the side without having to leave the house? Does that sound like a dream to you? This can become a reality - it's very simple...

With you can earn money as a student and help fellow students at the same time: It's super easy with the affiliate service of the online specialist bookstore! In just a few steps you will become a partner and benefit from every sale you make with a full 8% commission! That's it! Pay attention to how this works exactly:

1. What is

What initially sounds completely new is actually already known to everyone: the renowned book publisher CH Beck is now also available as an online specialist bookstore. Here you can get all the specialist books and media for your studies. But that's not all that's on offer: In addition to an overview in an extensive catalog of books, specialist magazines, CDs and DVDs that can be ordered, there is a newsletter about newly published books and special prices. This way you are always up to date and never miss a new release! What Amazon can do, has been able to do for a long time. You benefit from a large selection, order your books with free shipping and receive excellent customer service. Isn't that enough for you? Numerous reading samples at make it easier for you to decide whether to order a (book) title. If you change your mind after purchasing, you can use free return shipping.

2. Become a partner in just a few steps

To become a partner, register for the or zanox program using this link and refer to via a later link - for example as a text link on your own website or as a recommendation on Facebook or Twitter. Users are redirected to the shop and can easily order here. A full 8% commission is paid out for each sale! And there's the feeling of having helped someone on top of that: Who doesn't know it - you have an important deadline coming up, but you can't think of a suitable book on this topic of all things? This feeling is a thing of the past thanks to the affiliate program.

Your recommendation will help your fellow students find high-quality books and learning materials and you will even earn a little pocket money for it.

It can be that easy to achieve maximum performance with minimal effort.

3. Register and get started!

So don't think twice, sign up for the affiliate program and start earning money! It couldn't be much easier, and as a small bonus you can even save your colleagues a lot of work, searching and therefore stress. Because you can really use your time as a student better than looking for suitable learning material!

You can also easily earn money on the side. And you're doing something good at the same time. Do you want to know how? Find out in the article!

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