Traineeprogramm Pro vs. Kontra

Trainee program? Pro vs. Con

Become a trainee or start your career straight away? Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, according to our career experts Bettina and Anja. Both present their respective experiences on the topic.

PRO – Search and find orientation

“Trainee program or direct entry? The answer to the question depends on whether you already know where you want to go, because the time as a trainee is more of an orientation phase. This does not mean that you start with fewer career prospects or that you are not challenged - on the contrary: you go through a structured learning process towards a specialist or management position. You receive intensive support and can influence your exact career path in consultation with your superiors.

So if you are eager to learn and want to continually develop yourself, becoming a trainee is the perfect way to start your career. The salary is slightly lower than with direct entry, but companies invest in their young talent through further training.

During job rotation, you learn, among other things, to understand cross-departmental connections and automatically build a company-wide network because you get to know new colleagues in every department. A stay abroad is often part of the program, so you can steer your career into international paths early on.”

Karriere-Expertin Bettina Wilde

Bettina Wilde studied German and went through a trainee program herself - so she knows what she's talking about. As an expert on the topics of career entry and careers, she works as a content manager at the special job exchange and provides Gen Y with insider tips.

CONS – Straight into the middle, without detours

“Statistics show: Direct entry after completing your studies – well before the trainee program – is the most common form of career entry and not without reason. After a short training phase, these career starters are integrated directly into all work processes, have a clearly defined area of ​​responsibility right from the start and quickly take on responsibility. The graduates therefore undergo 'on-the-job training', which promotes a high level of personal responsibility and self-confidence.

Because employers benefit from these productive employees right from the start, they are rewarded with a mostly permanent contract and a slightly higher salary. However, in order not to overwhelm direct entrants, depending on the company, either mentors are provided or training is offered or both at the same time.

In contrast to the trainee program, direct entry is particularly suitable for those who want to specialize, already know which direction they want to take and would like to work on larger projects quickly.”

Karriere-Experting Anja Worm

Anja Worm is an entrepreneur and coach for initial and new career orientation. She supports young people in finding a career in which they are happy and relaxed and successful. On, interested parties can find information on topics such as career choice and applications.

Trainee or direct career entry? Both variants have their advantages and disadvantages.

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