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The 5 best audio books on mindfulness for free

If university is stressful and draining again, there is a perfect remedy: mindfulness. But what exactly is mindfulness? What effects can you expect? And what are the best exercises to train mindfulness ? We present you the five best free audio books from Audible on the subject of mindfulness.

During Audible's free trial month, you can choose one of the following audio books completely free of charge. If you are already registered with Amazon Prime or Amazon Prime Student, you can even get two audio books in the free trial month. The trial month can of course be canceled at any time (even before the end of the month)!

1. “The Practice of Mindfulness” by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Jon Kabat-Zinn is considered the pioneer of mindfulness-based psychotherapy. The mindfulness meditation he developed, “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction,” is now used worldwide as a supplement to psychotherapy for depression. In the audio book “The Practice of Mindfulness” you will learn how to use certain meditations, yoga and breathing exercises to get through everyday life more mindfully and therefore stress-free.

In addition to this audio book, you will also find a PDF with additional material in your Audible library.

2. “Life is What Happens Now: The Secret of Mindfulness” by Thich Nhat Hanh

How do you achieve a meaningful and joyful life? In the audio book “Life is What Happens Now: The Secret of Mindfulness,” Buddhist monk and author Thich Nhat Hanh uses Buddhist wisdom to show us how to live in the present moment in a deep and mindful way. With wonderful exercises you can enjoy even the little moments in everyday life.

3. “Finding peace in everyday life” by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Whether walking or lying down, at home or on the go - there are no limits to meditation. The audio book “Finding Peace in Everyday Life” by Jon Kabatt-Zinn not only teaches how you can easily integrate meditation into your everyday life, but also how you can use various exercises to master a wide variety of everyday situations with mindfulness and calm.

4. “Work calmly - How mindfulness makes everyday working life easier” by Anja Siepmann

In the audio book “Working calmly - How mindfulness makes everyday working life easier,” mindfulness trainer Anja Siepmann explains which easy-to-implement methods can be used to deal with emails and meetings, time pressure, frustration and multitasking in a more relaxed manner. But reducing stress and improving performance is of course not only interesting for your later professional life, but will also get you through university and your working student job perfectly.

5. “The little book of mindful living: 10 minutes a day for less stress and more calm” by Patrizia Collard

The audio book “The Little Book of Mindful Living: 10 Minutes a Day for Less Stress and More Calmness” is the perfect introduction to the topic of mindfulness. In addition to useful information about mindfulness, the psychologist and psychotherapist Patrizia Collard offers small mindfulness and short meditation exercises that are easy to use in everyday life in order to break away from entrenched behavioral patterns and gain a new perspective. It is not for nothing that this (audio) book is a bestseller despite its few pages.

We also provide you with our article “Beating university stress with mindfulness | Meditation, yoga and breathing exercises” to my heart. In addition to an exercise for walking and a few scientific studies, we will also give you a brief overview of the different ways in which mindfulness can be trained.

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